How Does Positive Thinking Affect Your Overall Wellness?

positive thinking

People will often tell you to look at the brighter side of things or treat the cup as a half-full cup. And there is a high chance that these people who always say these statements are positive thinkers. Many researchers are spending time and effort to look for more evidence that points to all the benefits of positive thinking to our well-being.

Research studies suggest that positive thinkers are not just less stressed and healthier. They also have better well-being in general. Suzanne Segerstrom, a researcher of positive psychology, said that setbacks are immanent to the most worthwhile activities of humans. And some studies show that people who are optimists are healthier in both physiological and psychological aspects.

Benefits of Thinking Positively

Some people don’t naturally practice mind positivity, which can cause them stress, anxiety, and mental health issues. That said, here are the top reasons you should practice positive thoughts and reduce negative thinking.

Relieves Stress

Positive thinkers have a higher chance of coping better when facing stressful situations. They handle it better and cope more effectively than pessimists. They do not dwell on their frustrations or things they know they can’t change because they would rather think of a plan of action and ask other people for advice and assistance.

On the other hand, a pessimist mostly thinks and keeps in mind that the situation they are currently facing is out of their control. And they believe that they can’t do anything to change it.

Improved Immunity

Researchers have found that the human mind has a powerful effect on the body for the past years. And one of the areas where attitudes and thoughts can have a very strong influence.

One research study suggests that activation in certain brain areas that has an association with negative emotions can lead to a weaker immune system and weaker response to a vaccine for flu.

Researchers Sephton and Segerstrom have found that people who think positively in a specific and crucial part of their lives, such as their school performance, have shown a stronger immune system than people who have negative thinking and views of the situation.

However, there are some instances where too much optimism might not do you good. One example is being over-optimistic might lead people to overestimate themselves and their abilities. If you are going through a tough time, stay positive but acknowledge the hardships. For instance, if you lost a loved one, it would be wiser to consider attending grief and bereavement services to help you move on.

positive thinking

Improvement in Wellness

Positive thinking does not just affect your coping ability with stress and immunity. Positive thinking also has an impact on the overall well-being of people. This includes a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and deaths from them, an increase in lifespan, and a lower risk of depression.

Researchers do not know exactly why positive thinking has benefits for health. Some researchers have found that people with positive thinking have a high chance of having a healthy lifestyle. People who think positively can improve their well-being and general health because they avoid unhealthy behaviors, allowing them to cope better with stress.

Improved Resilience

Resilience is the ability of people to cope with their problems or situations. People with high resiliency can face trauma or crisis with resolve and strength. They can carry on and continue until they overcome these adverse situations. They do not fall apart when they face problems and stress.

It is not a surprise to realize that positive thinking has a crucial role in having resilience. Positive thinkers analyze and find ways how they can fix the problem every time they deal with challenges. They do not easily give up. They gather their available resources and are willing to ask other people for help or advice.

Research studies suggest that during a crisis such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks, positive emotions and thoughts can encourage you to thrive, and it provides some sort of buffer against anxiety and depression for people who think positively.

The good news is that experts believe resiliency and positivity are possible to cultivate. People can gain long-term and short-term benefits by nurturing and practicing positive thoughts and emotions even when facing terrible situations. Those long-term and short-term benefits can include handling stress levels, less depression, and building coping skills. These are important, especially in the future.

Final Note

It is indeed ideal to always look at the brighter side of life, but do so with caution. While there is nothing wrong with staying positive, you still need to recognize the hard things in life as that makes you stronger in time.

Look at a situation in a realistic manner. Look for ways how you can improve the situation. You can avoid negative things. So you should know how to handle them positively and learn from experiences.

The Author

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