Transform Your Room Into A Healing Space

sleeping well

Your bedroom is the place where you rest, relax, and recharge. You may focus all your decorating effort in your living room or even your home office. After all, you are receiving guests in your living room and spend most of your working hours in your home office.

Your bedroom, which is mostly only seen by you anyway, is usually the last room that you have in mind to set up. However, this should not be the case. Your room is your haven, where you can kick off your shoes, lie down, and rest your head. Set it up to your liking and create a healthy space that will help you recharge and regenerate your energy for a brand-new day.

Make your bed.

Your bed should be comfortable and should not cause you back pain when you wake up. If you’ve had your mattress for around 8 years, it may be time to replace it. Visit a nearby mattress sale and get yourself a new and firm mattress that can support your back well and give you a restful sleep.

Invest in high-quality bedding that will make you want to snuggle down all day long. Cotton is the best choice, as it is soft and breathable. When choosing comfortable bed sheets, people usually look at the thread count. Ideally, you should choose bed sheets with a thread count of around 300 to 400. Higher thread counts do not automatically mean better, so choose wisely and do not be fooled. For a more calming vibe, choose plain or neutral-colored bed sheets.

You might be tempted to stuff your bed with many pillows, but too much can be an eyesore. Keep things to a minimum and neat. It will be much relaxing, easy to the eyes, and easy to maintain as well. Do not forget to change your beddings every week. Dust and allergens can accumulate in your sheets if you don’t change them often.

Get rid of clutter.

It is easy for clutter to build up in your bedroom. From receipts, notes, books, socks, make-up, scarves, and other paraphernalia, knickknacks can easily dominate your bedroom. A clean and clutter-free space is relaxing and is more conducive for rest. Get rid of the things that you do not need. Have a storage system for your clothes, socks, pieces of jewelry, bags, make-up, and other items.

The lesser things that you have, the better. Go through everything in your closet and prepare a bag for all the clothes you have not worn in the past year. You can give them to a younger sister or cousin or donate them to charity. Get rid of lipsticks and other make-up that have been in your make-up kit for two years.

Opt for soft and wall lights.


Ditch bright bulbs when setting up the lighting in your bedroom. Sure, you will need lighting for some night reading, but bright ceiling lights can be jarring and are all but relaxing. Opt for wall lights or floor lamps with dimmers. You can set the lights low when it is time for bed so that your eyes can relax.

Skip the TV and other electronics.

You might be tempted to set up a TV on your wall for some midnight Netflix marathon. However, turning the TV on during bedtime tells your brain that it isn’t time for bed yet. You will likely end staying up late, sacrificing your needed time for rest and sleep.

If possible, do not bring your laptop in your bedroom as well. Avoid doing work in bed. Soon, you will find that you are answering emails beyond your bedtime, which is not healthy.

When it is time for bed, turn off all your electronics. Do not give in to browsing your social media at the bed.

Create a relaxing ambiance.

Spas create a relaxing environment by treating your senses to wonderful scents, soothing sounds, and aesthetic displays. Create the same ambiance in your room and treat yourself to your very own spa. Bring in some fresh blooms in a vase. Diffuse a relaxing lavender essential oil to calm your mind and body. You can also play some soothing music to make your bedroom feel like an expensive retreat after a tiring day.

Choose calm colors.

You may be tempted to choose red wallpapers or hot pink curtains in your room because they are your favorite colors. Colors can greatly affect your mood. Choose soft palettes for your room, such as blue, gray, and green. Soft colors are kind to your eyes and will make your bedroom feel more tranquil. A monochromatic theme is also a good idea so that your room will not be a riot of colors.

Open up your windows.

Let some sunlight in during the day for your daily dose of Vitamin D. Natural light increases your body’s serotonin and endorphins and can help you sleep better at night.

You can add some personal touches to your bedroom to make it uniquely your own. However, remember to balance things. Your room, after all, is a place for your relaxation.

The Author

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