Persistent Myths about Cosmetic Surgery

man having cosmetic surgery

Every year, millions of Americans undergo cosmetic and plastic surgery. Despite being a standard procedure, many still don’t get the real deal about it. Reason: falsehoods.

Here are the four persistent myths about cosmetic and plastic surgery that should die once and for all:

1. New York and California Are the Hotbeds for Cosmetic Surgery

No official data ranks states and cities in the number of cosmetic and plastic surgeons. However, based on a 2016 industry report, California took the top spot after at least four of its cities ended up in the top 10. These included San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Jose.

Coming in second place, though, wasn’t New York but Texas, particularly Austin. But the information also showed that the city with the most number of specialists per population or capita was Miami, followed by Salt Lake City. New York City placed eighth.

2. Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery—They Mean the Same Thing

People use the terms “plastic surgery” and “cosmetic surgery” interchangeably, and that’s understandable. Plastic surgeons also receive training and even gain experience and expertise in cosmetic surgery.

However, they are still dissimilar. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that involves improving the function or appearance of a defect or congenital problem. Meanwhile, cosmetic surgery involves enhancing the look of the face and body.

The parts are functional, but they might not have the aesthetics. Because of this, cosmetic surgery is elective.

Based on their training, a plastic surgeon can be a cosmetic surgeon, but it won’t work vice versa. Moreover, those who pursue plastic surgery need to complete at least 150 cosmetic surgeries before they can take a certification exam.

woman with lines on her face

3. Nose Jobs Are Complicated and Risky

All surgeries carry risks of complications. For those undergoing cosmetic or plastic surgery, surgeons need to assess the physical and mental health of the patient. They also discuss the pros and cons of the procedure. These points also apply to rhinoplasty or nose jobs.

However, with modern tech and better skills, some surgeries are less complicated than the others. Take, for example, the minimally invasive rhinoplasty procedure. In this procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose and uses precise tools to operate and enhance the appearance or shape of the nose.

Since the cuts are inside, they are not visible or leave noticeable scars. Most of all, small incisions decrease the risk of complications, such as infection or swelling, and reduce downtime or recovery period.

4. People Who Undergo Plastic Surgery Are Vain

Many people go to California, New York, or other popular destinations for cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks, but that’s not the only reason to see such a surgeon. Another is reconstructive. In the 2018 report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), over 5 million people underwent reconstructive procedures. A significant percentage had their tumors removed.

Surgery involving the jaw accounted for over 200,000 operations. It’s about the same number of people who opted for nose reshaping. Hair transplantation demand increased by 19% from 2017 to 2018, beating the overall percentage change of 2% for all cosmetic procedures.

By breaking the stereotypes and wrong impressions about surgeries, hopefully, more will feel confident to discuss their options with certified clinics and surgeons.

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