On the Safe Side: Non-invasive Treatments


To understand what noninvasive treatments are, it is best to define what invasive procedures are first.

A journal published in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) attempts to make a comprehensive definition of what invasive procedures are. It states that this procedure happens when a health professional uses an instrument to access or puncture the body. Procedures using instruments such as endoscopes, catheters, scalpels, and scissors can be invasive.

NCBI adds that an invasive procedure is characterized by the administration of medicine to a specific area in the human body by a skilled operator. These skilled operators are more often known as surgeons.

Due to the invasive nature of these procedures, people often prefer to get non-invasive treatments for their ailments. Noninvasive treatments are treatments that fall outside the definition of invasive procedures.

A separate journal published on the NCBI website describes noninvasive treatments as those that create minimal harm to patients. It also maximizes a human’s natural healing power in combating diseases.

Benefits of noninvasive treatments

Unlike invasive treatments, noninvasive procedures do not involve surgery. Therefore, there is minimal to no recovery time required after. For example, in cosmetic procedures, a patient can go and continue with their day-to-day activities after a non-invasive procedure.

Samples of noninvasive cosmetic procedures are botox and filler injections. Laser treatments are considered noninvasive, too.

A noninvasive procedure is also cost-effective. Surgery is more expensive because it is more complicated; with higher risks, these treatments require an experienced surgeon to handle delicate operations. Add to this the amount you have to pay for the hospital room for recovery.

The risk of surgeries is also why most prefer noninvasive treatments instead. After surgery, doctors often recommend medicines that will prevent infection. You are also asked to monitor yourself in case complications arise. On top of it, surgery is painful, while noninvasive treatments usually are not.

Use of non-invasive treatments

As discussed earlier, noninvasive treatment is commonly seen in dermatology clinics that provide facial and skin treatments. However, some other ailments and diseases can be cured using this method.

Scoliosis, for example, can be treated using the physical therapy schroth method. This method employs stretches and exercises that correct spinal abnormalities in the body. It promotes using proper posture in everyday living. This type of method includes improved posture and breathing, decreased pain, and improved core strength.


There are heart diseases that can be cured by noninvasive treatments, too. Heart attack, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries can be cured by only using medications administered intravenously.

The use of traditional and alternative medicines can also be clustered as a noninvasive treatment. The World Health Organization defines alternative medicines as practices that are not part of the dominant healthcare system. Sometimes, it is used interchangeably with traditional medicines. Traditional medicines are part of a country’s culture that has been passed on for generations.

Naturopathy is a noninvasive approach that uses the natural ability of the body to heal. Massage, acupuncture, and herbal remedies are examples of this kind of approach. Herbal medicines are plants or part of a plant that promotes healing. Some of the most common medicinal herbs used are chamomile, garlic, ginger, and ginseng.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, chamomile is used as a treatment for various diseases. In the US, it has been declared safe by the FDA and is used to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. In Europe, on the other hand, it is used as a treatment for inflammation and swelling. It can also be used as a topical treatment to reduce skin irritation from radiation cancer treatments.

Meanwhile, ginseng is used widely in Asia. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that Asian ginseng is native to the Far East, including China, Korea, and far-eastern Siberia. The most beneficial part of the plant is its roots. Among a multitude of benefits, it is said to promote stamina and increased memory and concentration and relieve cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

Exercise and lifestyle counseling are also some practices that harness the body’s natural ability to combat diseases.

Invasive versus Noninvasive

Depending on the nature and gravity of the condition, an invasive or a non-invasive treatment might be more appropriate. Indeed, a human’s anatomy is created to naturally help itself heal, but we are also given the gift of consciousness to know when it is time to consult the health experts.

Talking to a professional will let you know which treatment will work best for your condition; it is your safest bet.

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