Forget Tinder: How to Find Love without the Internet


The internet was supposed to make finding love so much easier. However, many find themselves spending their nights, endlessly swiping left and right, going on multiple dates, without finding “the one.”

So, what do you do if online dating just is not working out for you? Here are a few alternatives.

Visit a Professional

It is a little old school to see a professional matchmaker, but there is a reason why they stuck around in the age of Tinder and Bumble. Their methods work.

Meeting potential matches through a matchmaker is more personalized. Instead of just listing down your favorite song or music to find a connection, your matchmaker will want to know you better. They would create a profile that includes everything they would need to find your soulmate, including what qualities you are looking for in a person.

They will search their database for all the profiles of people who have the qualities you are looking for and are also searching for a person like you. When you finally go on a date, there is a higher chance that you will fall in love with each other.

With a matchmaker, you would not have to meet several people only to find out that you are not looking for the same things or you simply are not right for each other.

Attend to Parties


The love of your life would not magically appear in front of your door. You have to go out and look for them. Going to events, especially hosted by your friends and family, will be a great way to meet new people and find your potential lifelong partner.

Be sociable and strike a conversation with the person who has caught your eye. If you feel shy, ask a friend or a family member to introduce you. This way, you eliminate the fear that every person you meet may be untrustworthy. Your friend or family member will be able to vouch that it will be safe to go out with the other person or warn you if they are someone you should stay away from.

Go to Gatherings for Like-Minded People

Many meet their partners while doing what they love. Look for events in your areas that interests you, like a concert featuring a musician you enjoy or comic book conventions if you like superhero movies.

It is easier to come up with something to talk about if you are already in a place that celebrates what you are passionate about. Similarly, enroll in classes if you want to learn a new hobby or you have skills that you want to hone. Sign up for workshops or clubs where you can interact with other people who are into the same things. Eventually, you will find someone you like and likes you back. Even if that does not happen, you will gain new friends which is never a bad thing.

Finding love — with or without the internet — has and will probably always be a challenge. There is no one sure way to meet the person you will love for the rest of your life, but that does not mean you are doomed to be in search of “the one” forever. Your only option is to meet people, go on several dates, and hope for the best.

The Author

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