8 Things to Do Before Going on Holiday

holiday vacation

After many months of waiting, you are finally off to your grand holiday getaway. However, do not let the excitement get over your head and forget about the necessary preparations before boarding your plane. Here are the top eight things you need to take care of before leaving for your holiday:

8. Prepare and Protect Your Home

If you will be out of your house for a week or more, take measures to ensure your house does not appear unoccupied. Opt to invest in light timers so that light would come out during definite times to make it appear as if someone is inside the house. This would significantly deter any burglary attempt.

Also, if your trash bin is due to be emptied while you are away, do not leave it out in preparation. Instead, ask your neighbor or a close friend to put it out for you on the scheduled day. If you usually leave your curtains open, do not leave them suspiciously shut. But keep in mind not to leave any valuables on display.

7. Arrange Pet Care

Your furry friend of course should not be left starving to death. While some people are lucky enough to have friends or family who can pet-sit while they are away, not everyone has that luxury. Nevertheless, you could enroll your beloved pet in a dog board and train center.

6. Take Out a Travel Insurance

Although a lot of travelers overlook this aspect, getting insurance coverage for your travel is a must. You never know when accidents would happen, so it is best to be prepared. Also, do not forget to check what is covered and not on the policy. This is extremely important when you are doing risky activities while on vacation.

5. Inform Your Bank Where You Will Be

Informing your bank or credit card company that you are traveling abroad is a must. You do not want the hassle and embarrassment when your card is temporarily blocked while making a purchase or paying for a meal. With identity theft going on, banks are only vigilant.

travel essentials

4. Check Your Passport

Your passport (and in some cases, visa) is the most important element for your holiday getaway. Without this document, your travel plans would not happen. So, check if your passport stays valid for the whole duration of your holiday travel. If not, check the government’s website for the renewal process.

3. Make Copies of Travel Documents

Although it may seem like overkill, making copies of your travel document comes in handy, particularly in the event that you lose your passport or rail pass while traveling. Keep in mind though not to pack your copies in the same place as the original.

2. Prepare Your Mobile Phone

In this digital age, nothing sucks more than not being able to use your mobile phone when abroad. Thus, contact your mobile provider and check if your phone is serviceable in your destination country. Take note of any roaming charges as you do not want to see any surprises when your bill arrives.

1. Check Your Health and Get Necessary Medication

Lastly, before you head off to your dream vacation, make sure you paid a visit to your physician and dentist. Make sure you have the necessary vaccinations, especially when you are heading to a remote place. If you need to take medication, make sure your supply would last for the whole duration of the trip.

Most often, our excitement makes us overlook even the simplest of things. That is why check and double-check if you have packed everything you need on your trip. The last thing you would like to happen would be leaving at home your swimming clothes and gear when you want to sunbathe on the beach.

The Author

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