Why You Don’t Need a Travel Buddy to Fulfill that Wanderlust

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Going on a trip with the most important people in your life can be a truly fulfilling and rewarding experience. Not only do you get to explore faraway places you’ve never been before, but you also get to create memories of your wonderful time together during your trip.

Because of all these benefits, man people do not consider how equally enriching solo travel can be. If it’s not possible to bring an entire crew to your next trip to London or Munich, can you still make your getaway a thing to remember forever?

Ask any travel enthusiast you know, and we bet that most of the time, they’ll tell you that most of their fondest memories involved a time when they went out on their own and experienced an unfamiliar place as a solo traveller.

They see this as the perfect opportunity to discover and try out new things that they may never have if they have a group of other people to look after as well. Whether you’re staying in London hostels with private rooms or choose to get a bunk bed with other experienced backpackers, there’s always something new that can be a true learning experience.

Here are some reasons you should give solo travel a chance:

You’ll get a sense of empowerment and independence

Many travellers who have experienced going on a trip on their own often share how much they’ve grown and how independent and empowered they have become after their trip. They return to their homes, feeling a lot more mature and confident.

Independence, freedom and that thirst for more knowledge are all highly related to solo travel. You’re in charge of your schedule and itinerary, and you’re free to make necessary changes to it without having to consult with a group.

You’ll be able to focus more and be absorbed in the moment

When you’re on your own somewhere you’ve never been before, you’d be more engaged with your surroundings and would be able to explore more if you don’t have to worry about who you’re with. This is probably the number one reason why veteran backpackers have more memories of their solo travels than when they have company.

Because they’re not familiar with the place and have no one to rely on but themselves, they can focus better and truly enjoy all their planned activities.

You’ll enjoy increased chances of interacting with the locals

Young man sitting on his suitcase in the airport

Yes, solo travel means independence, but this is also an excellent opportunity to rely on the locals. If you don’t have anyone who can have meals with you, keep you occupied during long train rides, or be your translator, it’s your chance to make acquaintances with the locals.

It could be as simple as asking for directions or just have a nice and simple human interaction to keep you from feeling bored and lonely (it can happen if you’re not careful). Also, those who are travelling alone often look more approachable than those who are travelling in a group.

Lastly, take this as an opportunity to finally do that thing you’ve been putting off for quite some time. Watch those films you’ve missed while on the train, listen to the top 40 songs, and read that novel during your long train rides. There’s always a chance for personal enrichment when you’re travelling solo.

The Author

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