Smart Ways to Turn Your Hotel into a Family-friendly Paradise

pool at the hotel

Are you looking for more ways to increase the revenue of your hotel? Then you could be missing an element that is now becoming an increasingly in-demand trend. Wonder what that is? This is the family-friendly feature.

These days, consumers are becoming pickier in terms of the hotels they will be staying at. Those that will be staying in groups, especially one that travels with kids, will naturally want a hotel that can cater to their needs. We already know that travelling with kids is a big challenge enough. This is the very reason many more hotels are saying yes to the kid-friendly challenge.

How can you keep up, increase your hotel’s appeal, and cater to guests who are travelling with children?

Add a fun and interactive playground

What better way to attract guests with young lads than by adding a fun and interactive playground to keep kids occupied and entertained? Don’t belittle the power that a traditional playground has on kids and their parents. By investing in quality playground equipment, you’re unlocking your hotel’s potential to attract the right audience. You’re not only giving kids a safe place to play and interact with other kids their age. You’re also giving the parents and guardians enough space to breathe, relax, and make the most out of their stay.

Offer rooms perfect for a family or two

Some families travel with one, two, or three kids. Some are bigger, while others go with one or more families. If you can design a couple of rooms perfect for travelling families, or one with connecting rooms, the better. If not, you can choose to modify some of your rooms to give way for more guests. This way, they can simply stay in a single room and make their stay a more convenient one.

man opening door to hotel room

Offer rooms at a family-friendly rate

One can’t expect a family to come back and stay in your hotel the second time around if you fail to be considerate with the rate. Sure, they may have the budget for one or two more rooms. But if you give them a special discount, you’re giving your guests more reason to choose your hotel. Make sure to advertise this by including this in your online reservations.

Consider a kid-friendly pool

Nothing makes a hotel stay better than giving kids access to a fun and safe pool. While it is the parent’s responsibility to keep watch, it also pays to child-proof the kiddie pool at all costs. If you can, add a pool appropriate for kids. Throw in some cute floaters that will look inviting in photos. An even better idea is if you can invest in fun pool accessories for kids.

Whip up a special menu for kids

Let us not forget that the little ones can be picky at food sometimes. So why not give them and their parents a treat by making an extra effort when it comes to the kid’s menu? From pancakes and waffles to colourful and visually attractive deserts, giving kids a menu that is only for them will make them feel special and loved.

When it comes to families travelling with kids, their main concerns are safety, savings, comfort, and convenience. If you can incorporate these four elements in your strategy, then you get to increase your chances of enticing families to stay in your hotel.

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