Low-cost but Big-impact Reminders for New Gardeners


Let’s say you’ve just moved into a house where there is enough outdoor space for you to plant on, whether big or small, you can always add appeal to it as much as you like. Starting planting and gardening doesn’t have to be difficult and overwhelming. It’s not something to rush or get stressed about. Gardening is supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable hobby.

Do your research before you proceed. You should know what types of plants are best in your area and your lifestyle. There are potential mistakes that people who are new to gardening can make, whether it’s planting too much or planting at the wrong time. Even if you’ve made mistakes, there’s always a way to fix them.

To avoid costly mistakes, here are low-cost tips you should do to start your gardening.

Shopping for Plants

Before you hit different plant stores or garden centers, decide which plant you want in your garden. Visit retailers to check out their offers to avoid spending too much. Prices and quality vary in different stores and nurseries. You can also check out good deals at online garden centers.

Impulse buying makes you lose focus on your budget and the plants you want. It’s simple: If you’re not sure about something, don’t buy it.

Buying in bulk is a lot less costly. You can share the costs with others for mutual benefits. This is also applicable to renting gardening and maintenance equipment, such as tillers and lawn aerators.

Overplanting or Overcrowding


This is one of the mistakes a new gardener can make. Plants need a certain amount of space to spread their roots and stems. Without proper plant spacing, some plants may not get enough sunlight, moisture can’t reach some parts of the soil, and some plants may not receive the good nutrition they require.

When plants are overcrowded, there are higher chances of pests and fungal diseases because of poor air circulation. They can spread from plant to plant and affect your entire garden. When they have proper spacing, they can grow much healthier and stronger.

Learning About Pruning

Pruning is a crucial contributing factor in maintaining a healthy and rich landscape. It can be physically draining, so you have to prepare yourself mentally and plan its process to be successful.

This is an integral part of gardening because it keeps the plants healthy. Dead or dying parts are being removed, preventing crossing and rubbing branches to improve air circulation. By pruning, you can maintain their shape and control plants from overgrowing and keep them from disturbing their fellow plants’ growth.

Controlling Weeds While Still Young

Weeds are another competition that takes away nutrients from wanted plants. They are much easier to get rid of by hand when they’re still young and before they multiply and spread throughout the rest of your garden. You can mulch over them. Pull them out or dig them up so there are fewer chances they can grow again in the same spot. They are easier to slide off when they’re wet.

Testing Your Soil

garden soil

Soil testing is figuring out the exact nutrient found in your garden and how much fertilizing you need. Knowing the pH level is the first step toward healthy soil where crops and plants can be grown healthily. Applying too many nutrients is not suitable for the plants, causing an imbalance in the soil. Eventually, it can affect the rest of the environment of the rest of your garden.

Gardening with Pets

If you have pets at home, you should know that many plants are poisonous to them, so it’s best to forget those types. If you don’t want to get rid of anything, you can put up horizontal composite fence panels to keep them out of reach. Fencing is also perfect if you have a vegetable garden since some crops are also hazardous to pets, like garlic and onions. Additionally, it can add appeal to your garden.

Avoid applying pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers whenever they’re around, or keep them indoors to prevent them from exposure. Be sure to keep away your sharp gardening tools from them to avoid accidents and injuries.

Aside from personal choice, there are things you need to consider when choosing plants. Some factors include the weather in your area, how much the plants can grow, whether there’s a proper amount of sunlight, and how much watering and maintenance they need.

But don’t worry about making mistakes in gardening since you’re just starting. The more you do gardening, the more you learn about it and enjoy it at the same time.

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