Reasons It’s Okay to Travel Alone in a Relationship


It’s a common misconception that travelling solo is only for single people. If you’re travelling to Singapore, you can check out awesome food deals that match your taste and preference without thinking about your partner’s opinion. You can travel, eat, and explore whichever way you want without disappointing someone.

In other words, every romantic relationship comes with an innate pressure to do everything together. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. In this article, we’ll talk about why solo travel is good for relationships and how it can benefit you and your partner.

It increases your confidence

Exploring your interests and letting your partner do the same is one of the keys to having a long-lasting, healthy relationship. Travelling solo can be highly beneficial if you know how to do it. You can use it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and experience a different culture outside your comfort zone.

Sometimes, you shouldn’t always rely on your partner to make big decisions in the relationship. You also need to know what you want to avoid losing your identity — a common realisation among partners after a break-up. You can’t always expect them to know and do everything for you. They can be your companion and best friend, but they can’t always be everything you like.

The more you get to know yourself, the more confidence you have in making choices and decisions. This removes the pressure from your partner to always be a perfect match in everything you do. As a result, both of you avoid getting stuck in the run of doing the same thing repeatedly. You learn new skills and perspectives and discover new things to help you grow, which in turn helps in improving the dynamic of a relationship.

It’s more practical

Most couples find it hard to keep up with their travel goals because of differences in work schedules and limited holiday leaves. It can be quite disappointing when both of you want to go on vacation, but the other one can’t come along.


Instead of having regrets and drowning in resentment, why not be practical and travel solo? Having different travel plans for the holidays can make you miss each other badly, but it can be less stressful financially and emotionally. You can plan your vacation that suits your work schedule without considering what your partner will say or feel. The best part is when both of you come home with unique stories to tell that you and your partner can laugh and cry about.

The point is, you don’t need to give up your well-deserved time off from work just because your partner can’t have it. This will also reveal whether your partner is entirely supportive of you doing things you love without them tagging along.

It offers flexibility

There are two types of travelling styles: the tourist and the traveller. People who are considered tourists are ones who tour a country to do some basic sightseeing on popular hotspots and attractions. Meanwhile, a traveler is more purposeful and immersive in their travel style by spending several days at their destination to connect with the people and savour the overall feel of the place.

If your partner prefers a different travelling style than you, solo travel is the way to go. It allows you to enjoy the kind of travel experience you prefer without fighting over how you want to spend your time during the trip.

Sometimes we end up forcing ourselves to do something during vacation because our partner insisted on it as a part of the plan. Healthy relationships are based on understanding and making compromises, so your partner should push you to do something you hate. After all, travelling is about satisfying yourself, whether a spa experience or an all-out shopping spree!

Many couples have remarkably differing ideas of what a perfect vacation looks like. Taking separate journeys is a more flexible solution to avoid conflicts down the line. This can be a healthy relationship strategy if both of you are willing to respect each other’s choices.

It isn’t always easy to be away from your partner when travelling to a new, foreign place. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to make the distance less painful in a relationship.

Successful solo travel is all about communication, trust, and healthy boundaries. Once in a while, you have to let your partner explore new things and learn from new experiences without being with them all the time. In the end, having the opportunity to grow and learn from your partner is a critical part of any healthy relationship.

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