Best Things to Do in England

england concept

Money spent on traveling is never wasted money. There are lots of things you will only learn and experience when you go traveling, and that’s why your travel funds are considered an investment in yourself. Not only will you learn more about the world, but you will also gain a better understanding of who you are.

If there is ever a list of all the best places to visit in the world, England is always one of those. This country is so rich in history that a few days’ worth of stay would not be enough to maximize your experience. Nonetheless, here are the things you should do when you visit England.

What to Visit

One of the best things about England is that it’s divided into nine regions, which all contribute to the country’s rich culture. If you are ever in England, make sure that you visit the following places to fully experience this country.


stone henge

There was no internet or newspapers thousands of years ago, which made it difficult to record text and information about certain things. One of these mysteries is Stonehenge, which attracts hundreds of visitors every single day. This is a group of large, upright stones forming a circle. What makes this attraction interesting is that the stones used can only be found about 160 miles away, and no one knows why ancient people built them.

The British Museum

If you wish to learn more about the country’s history, make sure that you include the British Museum in your list. This establishment was built around the 1750s and holds some of the most prestigious and priceless collections of artifacts and artworks all over the globe. You will also learn some strange facts about Henry VIII and other kings that have shaped the country.

Glastonbury Tor

This place is the host of one of the highest points of the country, and when you’re atop Glastonbury Tor’s tower, you can see huge land areas that stretch for miles. After spending your time on the hills, be sure to visit the Somerset town on your way back. This place is the home of England’s largest and most wonderful music festivals you can enjoy all year-round.

West Yorkshire

If you’ve ever read or watched Wuthering Heights and loved it, you must visit West Yorkshire. There is a village called Haworth where this film or novel takes place. The place is now a museum, which means you’d get an in-depth view of the main characters’ lives. What makes this trip more exciting is that you can also walk down cobbled streets and old railway stations in the area.

Jurassic Coast

It might be a strange combination but if you love beaches and dinosaurs, make sure that you include the Jurassic Coast in your to-go list. This 95-mile coastline is considered a World Heritage Site because some of the rocks in this area can reach up to 185 million years old, which is one of the reasons why it’s called Jurassic Coast. Don’t forget to visit Lulworth Cove as well while you’re there.


Every great trip is incomplete without good food. That’s why you should also spend some time in Whitstable. This town is one of the best places to witness the sunset, and the colorful houses along the coastline will also be perfect for memorable photographs. Aside from the art galleries and shops, the main show of this place is the food. Whitstable is the best area to eat the freshest seafood.


You’ve probably heard of Liverpool because of its football club. However, if you’re an avid fan of music, then you know that the other reason why Liverpool is quite famous is that it’s the place where The Beatles first met. You can even visit John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s homes and witness where they spent their early years. Some of their songs also feature areas in Liverpool, and several landmarks, such as the Penny Lane, are still there up to date.


Aside from The Beatles, another famous artist who was born and raised in England is William Shakespeare. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre would occasionally hold performances, some of which are Shakespeare’s plays. Most of the artist’s life was spent in this area, and you would see certain tourist attractions in Stratford-upon-Avon when you visit.

Whenever you have the chance to do so, take a trip somewhere you don’t know. You’d be surprised at how much you’d learn about life and yourself. When making a bucket list of all the places you wish to visit, don’t forget to include England in there.

The Author

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